Friday, April 9, 2010

Postpone my “being back” until Monday.

I have to admit I’m already starting to feel better. I’ve said it before, but our bodies really are ready to reward us as soon as we start treating them better. I hopped on the ol’ scale today, feeling certain that I’d put on like 20 lbs since I fell off the wagon but I was only at 306. That’s so much better than I was expecting that I figured I’d just postpone my “being back” until Monday. J/k.

I didn’t get any formal exercise in today, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, if that counts. Actually, I spent quite a bit of time doing some physical labor on the farm and I set up chairs for the ward party so that may have to suffice for today. Oh…and I’ll have to take the chairs down afterwards so look at me…I’m really tearing it up!
I’m glad to hear that many of you are still following along, even after my hiatus. My goal is to be back in the 200’s by next Friday so please hold me to it. From then on…it’s back to fresh territory…scale-wise that is. Hope you are still fighting the good fight…hope I don’t get food poisoning at the ward party…its potluck so anything can happen. I guess it’d be a killer way to lose 10 pounds. I’ll have to watch for some room temperature seafood or chicken.


  1. Brent.....You're a riot! I love reading your posts. I wished I could get inspired myself and take up running.......but I can't. I'll wave at you if you run by my house! :) Keep up the good work!

  2. keep it up. you'll hit the 200s this week. if you don't you owe me a subway sandwich. How is that for holding you to it.
